some errors cause the newest driver rtl8187_linux_26.1025.0328.2007 cannot be compiled on arch linux and modern distributions. fortunately aircrack-ng has a patch for compiling the old driver rtl8187_linux_26.1010.0622.2006
1. unload rtl8187 module
rmmod rtl8187
wlan0 should be disappeared
2. download the old one
3. unzip
7z x
4. change to the extracted directory
cd rtl8187_linux_26.1010.0622.2006
5. download the patch
6. extract some components
tar xzf drv.tar.gz
tar xzf stack.tar.g
7. apply patch to source code
patch -Np1 -i rtl8187_2.6.27.patch
8. one more step to pass through compiling
vi beta-8187/r8187.h
#include <asm/semaphore.h>
#include <linux/semaphore.h>
9. compile and install
make && make install
i know the interface name would be wlan0 after new installed module r8187 loaded. so i write wlan0 directly in the following steps
10. if you need to load settings while booting, wlan_<interface>= in rc.conf isn't working. so i pick rc.local for use
vi /etc/rc.local
iwconfig wlan0 essid <ESSID> mode Ad-Hoc key 1234567890
ifconfig wlan0 up <IP> netmask <MASK>
remember to install wireless_tools package before iwconfig. and if you need sharing ppp connection with wlan interface, set mode to Ad-Hoc. although iwconfig supports Master, Repeater mode. only Ad-Hoc and Managed modes work on WL-USB-RSMA-27
11. block old rtl8187 and load new r8187 module when booting
vi /etc/rc.conf
MODULES=(r8187 !rtl8187)
12. reboot then done