2007年11月27日 星期二

Listen internet radio on Ubuntu

1. the name of radio software is streamtuner. But it calls xmms to play streaming audio so both are necessary.

apt-get install streamtuner xmms

2. start streamtuner from Application -> Sound & Video -> streamtuner

3. Plugins and tabs are various radio collections.

2007年11月26日 星期一

Watch p2p TV on Ubuntu

1. Download and Install gsopcast

wget http://linuxdesktop.cn/downloads/gsopcast/gsopcast_0.3.1-1_i386.deb
sudo dpkg -i gsopcast_0.3.1-1_i386.deb # -i is equal to --install

2. start gsopcast from Application -> Sound & Video -> Gsopcast

3. Config tab allows user to modify settings, like Player, Outport

2007年11月25日 星期日

Use the integrated client , MLDonkey, to download files from different protocols simultaneously like bittorrent, edonkey, gnutella on Ubuntu

1.install mldonkey

sudo apt-get install mldonkey-server

2. MLDonkey will automatically create hidden necessary directory and files under the user's home when first run

# run silently in background
# mlnet &> /dev/null &

3. with default setting, MLDonkey listens port 4000(telnet), 4001(gui), 4080(web) and allows only localhost so you may need to edit the list of IP address.

# if run mldonkey as root, the config files would be in /var/lib/mldonkey/
vi /home/user/.mldonkey/downloads.ini

allowed_ips = [
"";] # mask 0 allows any ip
gui_port = 4001
http_port = 4080
telnet_port = 4000
max_hard_upload_rate = 10 # global speed limiting, KB/s
max_hard_download_rate = 0 # global speed limiting, KB/s
max_hard_upload_rate_2 = 5 # for bandwidth toggle
max_hard_download_rate_2 = 20 # for bandwidth toggle

4. if you wanna connect to mldonkey server via GUI interface, the best choice is sancho. Just download, then run.

5. Remember to change the password of admin by the mldonkey command

useradd admin password

6. you can also handle mldonkey server via telnet

telnet ip 4000

full mldonkey command

2007年11月24日 星期六

Setup, Connect, Remove xrdp server on Linux

xrdp is an open source remote desktop protocol(rdp) server.

--To Install
1. download the source code from http://xrdp.sourceforge.net/
2. extract the tarball

tar -zxvf xrdp-0.4.0.tar.gz

3. switch to the folder then complie


4. as root, execute the installing script

sudo make install

5. remember to allow port 3389 in firewall
6. as root, run the service

sudo /usr/local/xrdp/xrdp_control.sh start

7. select Module "console" from menu then type the password you set for VNC while connecting to it

--To completely remove xrdp
remove directory /usr/local/xrdp
remove directory /etc/xrdp
remove file /var/run/xrdp.pid
remove file /var/run/sesman.pid
remove any startup links added to /etc/init.d or /etc/rcX.d

2007年11月19日 星期一

Use inadyn to update dyndns automatically on Ubuntu

1. install inadyn client

sudo apt-get install inadyn

2. create the configuration file

sudo vi /etc/inadyn.conf

--username username
--password password
--update_period 60000
--alias myhost.dyndns.org

3. set automatic update on boot

sudo crontab -e

@reboot /usr/sbin/inadyn

SOCKS Forwarding With OpenSSH on Linux

Run ssh on linux

ssh -D port user@host

-D Specifies a local ``dynamic'' application-level port forwarding.
This works by allocating a socket to listen to port on the local side.
The SOCKS4/5 protocols are supported, and ssh will act as a SOCKS server.

Run putty on Windows

1. Connection -> SSH -> Tunnels
2. type port number into "Source port" then add to set up dynamic fowarding for a listening local port
3. leave Destination blank
4. select Dynamic and Auto
5. fill Hostname and Port of ssh eonnction then Open
6. if you wanna keep the session alive by sending null packets periodically, go to Connection then input seconds