2009年12月25日 星期五

PCI GW-MF54G2 Serial Output

RXD and TXD must be cross-connected to serial adapter

|  ....| <- serial
|      |
|      |
|      |
 ----||  <- antenna

2009年12月23日 星期三

Remove Orphan Packages on Arch Linux

1. remove a package's dependencies which are not required by any other installed package

sudo pacman -Rs

2. list all packages no longer required as dependencies

sudo pacman -Qdt

3. combine both commands

sudo pacman -Rns $(pacman -Qqtd)

-n, --nosave # delete .pacsave backup files
-q, --quiet # show less information for certain sync operations

2009年12月22日 星期二

Install Maemo 5 SDK on Arch Linux

1. download GUI Installer made with python from http://www.forum.nokia.com/Tools_Docs_and_Code/Tools/Platforms/Maemo/

2. according to http://wiki.maemo.org/Documentation/Maemo_5_Final_SDK_Installation, the python script needs to be modified for non-debian linux

< SB_PATH = "/scratchbox"
> SB_PATH = "/opt/scratchbox"
> opt = opt + "-s /opt/scratchbox"
> cmd = cmd +" -s /opt/scratchbox"

3. then run the installer

sudo python ./maemo-sdk-install-wizard_5.0.py

4. start the Xephyr xserver

Xephyr :2 -host-cursor -screen 800x480x16 -dpi 96 -ac &

-host-cursor # re-use exisiting X host server cursor
-screen WIDTHxHEIGHT # specify screen characteristics
-dpi # screen resolution in dots per inch
-ac # disable access control restrictions
-help # prints message with these options

5. disable vdso support in the host's kernel

vi /etc/sysctl

# Disable VDSO support
vm.vdso_enabled = 0

6. load in sysctl settings from the file

sudo sysctl -p

7. log out and log back or login to the new group in the current session

newgrp sbox

8. login to scratchbox


9. set the DISPLAY variable to match the display setting given for the Xephyr server

[sbox-FREMANTLE_X86: ~] > export DISPLAY=:2

10. start the ui framework

[sbox-FREMANTLE_X86: ~] > af-sb-init.sh start

11. method to shutdown

[sbox-FREMANTLE_X86: ~] > af-sb-init.sh stop

12. if your linux is non-debian based, start scratchbox manually when the system is rebooted

sudo /opt/scratchbox/sbin/sbox_ctl start

2009年12月15日 星期二

Check The Bandwidth of Network

iperf is a tool for performing network throughput measurements.

1. install iperf on both nodes

arch linux

sudo pacman -S iperf

windows version can be downloaded from http://www.noc.ucf.edu/Tools/Iperf/

2. one node acts as server, the other node would be client
start listening on server side

iperf -s

3. start connecting to server on client side

iperf -c -w 2m server_ip

# -w 2m adjust windows size to 2 mbytes

4. result should appear in a few secs like this

[1924] 0.0-10.0 sec 111 MBytes 92.9 Mbits/sec