2009年4月9日 星期四

Set up MythTV Backend on Arch Linux and Watch TV on Windows Player

1. install the mythtv package

sudo pacman -S mythtv

2. import the database structure of mythtv to mysql

mysql -u root -p < /usr/share/mythtv/mc.sql

3. run setup as root or you'd get the message "Couldn't open /dev/v4l/video0 to probe its inputs."

sudo mythtv-setup

4. first time when you run mythtv-setup, it may ask you if upgrade the database schema, press yes, backup would be /tmp

5. General (the below setting is for taiwan)
TV format: NTSC
Channel frequency table: us-cable

6. Capture card (get these device number from dmesg, lspci, and lsusb)
Card type: Analog V4L capture card
Video device: /dev/videoX
VBI device: /dev/vbi0
Audio device: /dev/dspX
Default input: Television

7. Video sources
Listings grabber: No grabber
Channel frequency table: default

8. Input connections
Scan for channels: Video source must be pick first
Starting channel: remember to type a valid number

9. Storage Directories, at least one recording directory has to be added to the Default Storage Group or it will not be possible to watch/record anything. personally i set /tmp. to remove a storage group from the list, highlight it and press the 'D' key

10. user plans to watch analog tv only doesn't need to run mythfilldatabase?

11. start mythtv backend server

sudo /etc/rc.d/mythbackend start

12. go to mythtv front-end


Utilities / Setup -> Setup -> TV Settings -> Recording Profiles -> Software Encoders (v4l based) -> LiveTV
change all of codecs from RTjpeg to MPEG-4

13. download MythTV Player which is the only one player for windows that allows you to play recordings and LiveTV directly from a MythTv backend.

14. mythtv player accept protocol versions 15-31 originally. if your server speak newer or older than it, edit config.xml just change 0 to 1


i got some problems, frequent disconnect at the very first minutes, cannot continue playing after disconnect, suitable setting or bitrate for stream to internet.. to be continued
