2009年3月23日 星期一

Install WTorrent which is one of Web Interfaces of RTorrent on Ubuntu

1. wtorrent requires webserver( lighttpd or apache ), php, scgi module, sqlite, xmlrpc so install them

sudo apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-scgi php5 php5-sqlite libxmlrpc-c3

2. enable scgi module in apache

sudo a2enmod scgi

# a2dismod is to disable

a2enmod is the command which automatically create symbolic links for module_name.conf and module_name.load under mods-enabled from mods-available

3. add the following line to /etc/apache2/httpd.conf


4. download wtorrent from http://www.wtorrent-project.org/trac/ and extract

unzip wtorrent.zip

5. move wtorrent to root of your webserver and and create necessary directory for wtorrent

mv wtorrent/ /var/www/

6. make sure necessary directories of wtorrent exist, torrents/, db/, tpl_c/ and conf/

mkdir /var/www/wtorrent/tpl_c/

7. change permission for wtorrent read and write usage

chmod -R 777 /var/www/wtorrent/

8. open install.php in your browser


9. delete install.php after proper installation

rm /var/www/wtorrent/install.php
