2007年11月24日 星期六

Setup, Connect, Remove xrdp server on Linux

xrdp is an open source remote desktop protocol(rdp) server.

--To Install
1. download the source code from http://xrdp.sourceforge.net/
2. extract the tarball

tar -zxvf xrdp-0.4.0.tar.gz

3. switch to the folder then complie


4. as root, execute the installing script

sudo make install

5. remember to allow port 3389 in firewall
6. as root, run the service

sudo /usr/local/xrdp/xrdp_control.sh start

7. select Module "console" from menu then type the password you set for VNC while connecting to it

--To completely remove xrdp
remove directory /usr/local/xrdp
remove directory /etc/xrdp
remove file /var/run/xrdp.pid
remove file /var/run/sesman.pid
remove any startup links added to /etc/init.d or /etc/rcX.d
